Friday, October 25, 2019

Zuni Indian Mythology :: essays research papers

Hundreds of years ago the Zuni people created and told stories of human and world creations, tales of love and lust, and just about anything "that gave people an explanation for something they could not understand" (Gaarder 25). They made up all these legends or myths before there was anything called science. The stories came from the heart and soul of these native people. Legends are not just silly stories that were told for amusement they are like magic lenses, they allow us to have a glimpse of social orders and the daily life of how the Indians interpreted things long ago. One legend of the Zuni tribe tells the tale of the sun and the moon and how these two heavenly bodies came into being. The legend is called "Coyote Steals the Sun and Moon." The story begins when an out of luck Coyote can never seem to kill anything. He watches Eagle catch rabbit after rabbit with all the ease. He decides to go to Eagle with a proposition. Coyote told Eagle that they should hunt together, Eagle accepts, so they begin to hunt in partnership. Still all Coyote catches is just a couple of grubs, while Eagle is far ahead with many rabbits. At the time the world was still dark, the sun and moon had not been placed into the sky yet. So coyote blamed his hunting problems on the fact that he could not see and eagle if he knew where they could find light. Eagle was not really sure, but he figured it was somewhere on the west. So they set out to find it. They soon came to the Kachinas' village, where the villagers were busily going all out in their sacred dances. The Kachinas invited Coyote and Eagle to rest and have a bite to eat while they continued to dance. Eagle observed the people and could sense all the power they bestowed within. He began to wonder if they were the ones who had control of the light. Coyote pointed to two boxes, a large one and a small one. They noticed that when the people wanted light they opened the lids of the boxes. In the smaller box was the moon, it contained little light. In the larger one was the sun and it gave off a lot of light. Coyote told Eagle that they should go and steal the big box. So when all the Kachinas went home to sleep, Eagle put both the sun and the moon into one box and flew off. After a while Coyote wanted to carry the box

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